
Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I am not a yarn snob.

I'm not. And proudly so. I will used craft store brands as readily as the brands carried by my local yarn shop (the Needlepoint Joint). I love it all, and it all has it's place. I will use either or both depending on the project. Besides, all yarn companies release and discontinue yarns. Which means, if I can't find it in one line then I can probably find some similar if not a dead ringer in another line.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's not turkey.

Warm Salmon and Spinach Salad.

You will need:
1 tablespoon butter or oil
Salmon (enough to feed however many)
And any other vegetables you like.
Salt, Pepper, and other seasonings to taste
Italian Dressing

To make:
Place your spinach in your bowl. This will bed your other ingredients. Chop the vegetables,  try for consistent sizing. Set aside. Next, pan fry your salmon in the oil or butter ( I would imagine that your favorite fish could be used as well). Season it to taste. Once done place on the spinach bed. Next, add your veggies to the pan, sauté. Once cooked, top your salmon and spinach.  Finish with the Italian Dressing.


Monday, January 25, 2010

What's New Now

This is a peak at one of the new items to my line. It's a small project bag, that can be used as a gift bag, to keep notions or other small trinkets.

I'm thrilled! I have another great opportunity coming up.. I don't want to give to much away just yet because it won't come to fruition for a couple months. But Yes! I am Excited!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Turkey Stuff Formula

I am not much of a recipe person. I'm a lot better at formulas and then adjusting to whatnot. So here's the formula for Turkey Stuff:

Cooking oil
Ground Turkey
Vegetables (at least 2, I used zucchini and mushrooms)
Salt ( I like kosher)
Pepper ( I like lemon pepper for this)
Any other spices to taste
Rice (you can use what you like)
Liquid for deglazing( water, wine, diluted soy sauce, what have you)
Begin by starting the rice because it will take longer to cook than the rest.
Next over medium heat in the fry pan of your choice add your ground turkey. Let that brown. Chop your vegetables, be sure you check on the turkey frequently so it doesn't burn. Once veggies are chopped, add them to the pan. Stir together, add seasonings and then let cook for a few minutes. Come back to it occasionally to stir. Once everything has nice color pour in your liquid. Stir frequently to be sure everything is blended well. Once you pan is done, turn off heat. Let rest till rice is ready.
To serve: place rice in serving dish, add turkey and veggies on top.

Easy, right! That's the point. I don't have a whole lot of time to cook so I like everything easy and have no issue with taking help from the grocery store. Just make sure you make it your own.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's still January..

The days are starting to lengthen, a definite bright spot. I am very sick of the cold.  At this exact moment,  I am starting tying together fabric strips to so I can then spin them into a bag. I then plan to get to my sewing, and laundry. Tomorrow, the game plan is tentatively to do some photography, list new items on etsy, house chores, and work some more on my art and crafts. I teach tomorrow. Aerial Basics and Intermediate. I love teaching. I love that I get to teach. Dance is one of my favorite creative outlets. Then again, I love all of my creative outlets.
My daughter is talking more and more. She amazes me daily. Just today she decided that her sunglasses belong upside-down on her face.  She can sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and "Ring around the Rosie" word for word. Minus her the letter S. She doesn't pronounce the letter s if it's the first letter in the word.
Does anyone out there play those damned Facebook game? Goodness they are addicting!  I'll post some of my most recent photos tomorrow.

Monday, January 11, 2010

First weekend back...

I'm back at work dancing. This was a difficult decision to come to. I really enjoyed the time away. I love being able to focus and work on things that have been long ignored. But during this time I also realized that to achieve the goals that I want to accomplish I cannot do it without the income that dancing provides. It is not the 'amazing' money eluded to by the media at large. Especially where I live. But it's the best I can do within my circumstances. It offers flexible adjustable hours with a decent amount of money. I have a small goal set to get as much done in the next 4 months as possible. I will do my damnedest to get there.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Business Wish List Revised

I had been thinking about my business wishlist a fair bit lately. I thought I look back on that original post (see below) and update it. The updating thing really stuck in my head after wandering around Joann's  today. In no particular order:

- That building I've had dreams about on 25th St
- Printer, preferably wireless, not larger than 12x12 that can handle photo quality
- Professional Organizer and Storage System
- Funding to get my business going  on the level I'd really like
- A full set of Prismacolor Colored Pencils and Watercolor Pencils
- Cricut Expression Machine + Jukebox + Gypsy + any other gadgets that go with it
- Quilting foot for my sewing machine and more bobbins
- More paints (acrylic, watercolor and fabric), dyes, stamp pads (both dye based and pigment) and other accouterments related to the transfer of color to paper/fabric/canvas/clay/etc
- A set of Pigma Micron and Brush pens
- More Zig Memory System Writer Pens
- Xyron Sticker Machines
- Crop-a-dile II
- Paper and other air dry clays
- Other miscellaneous art and craft supplies
- Loads of epherma
- Etc

I'm greedy. This list is more for my sake. I don't expect these things to fall out of the sky and into my happy lap. I'd like it to.  There are some changes in store. So let's see how it goes.

I've been thinking about everything that I could use for my businesses to grow, and here's what I've come up with so far:

1. a laptop with amazing memory (checked off the list) and a wireless printer.
2. hire a professional organizer to get my studio space straightened out.
3. grant money so I can get the supplies I need to work on my art and accessories

This is a very basic needs list, and I'm sure it will all change as things go on.

I'm going to go back to school, for graphic arts and web design. I think learning those computer skills can open up more doors from me in multiple areas. Hopefully I can get enough financial aid.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Reflection and 'Preflection'

In closing out 2009, I am thinking about where I have been and where I am going. I am thinking about balance and going forward. I am also aware that going forward may mean taking a step or two, but I'll discuss that if or when it happens. I have learned a lot about myself this past year, and I really believe that I will take it with me into the future.
I am rediscovering art, design, craft, and creativity. This is an on going journey I have been on since 2006. I am going back to go forward. I always felt that being an artist was my calling, but I was journeying to find my form, my voice, and my niche. I'm still learning. My brain comes up with more ideas that I can possibly keep up with. One step at a time I will make my mark. I am thankful for the chance. I have learning to be brave and share what I do. My social skills with forever be a work in progress.
I have danced. I have sat. I laughed and cried. I have yelled and held my tongue. I have kissed in passion and kissed 'boo-boos'.  I am still growing into my roles as wife, mom, student, teacher, artist, crafter. I am in such a good place. Thank you for the blessings and lessons. I turn my face to the light, chasing down the dawn. For 2010, I hope for nothing but hope, love, and courage. I want to fill my life with love and bravery and grace.

On a lighter note: I found the fabric and WIPs. I took the time off from school to get some stuff done. Not as much as I had hope, but I got something done.

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