
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Newest Projects

I have finished a great knitted cowl. I'm quite impressed with myself for finishing it as quick as I did.  I already bought yarn to make another on. I also picked up a few things to make some more stuff... big surprise, I know. I do love shopping. I'm starting to filter out what yarns I intend to use for what. It's been daunting, but so exciting to see more purpose to my stash and it's new additions. I also got some acrylic varnish so I can paint the buttons I made out of polymer clay. I love that I can do that. I love being able to make things for myself instead of having to buy them. It's great!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A dream of mine

I dream of having a home for art and craft. I don't believe that those things are separate. A knitter and a painter have many things in common. Both see raw materials as a finished piece. Both use hands and tools to make that result. There is color and technique to consider. Shape, size, design. Both have such an intimate knowledge of they're chosen medium (or did it choose them?) that they can give it life.
I dream of a store, a school, a gallery that celebrates these things. I would love a place that these creative people can come and work. A place where they can demonstrate they're love and educate others about who they are, why they make, how they create, and all the other questions that can come up. A brick and mortar forum for discussion. How empowering  would that be? A fine artist discussing color with a potter, a knitter meeting a metal sculptor, a jeweler taking inspiration from a furniture maker. I love all art and all craft for what it is. Skill and talent is just the tip creativity.  Oh, what a dream! Someday it will come true.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

News and more

Playing with photoshop... I'm really liking what it can do.
Anyway. I have a business partner. We are really going to do this. I've been doing research on local craft fairs... I'm even thinking of expanding into the states around us. But the actually attendance of those ones will be for upcoming years.  We both love yarn and crafting in general.. we just have different aesthetics. Roughly our business is under one name with different lines. Which compliments the individuality and joint interest we have. There are few things that we will happily work on together, or both make. Although I am not used to how vocal she is and her willingness to share with everyone our progress. I'm pretty quiet about everything... except for on here and other web sources. Maybe that'll just be our niches. Her the verbal, vocal talk to everyone aspect, and me the online venue. You never know.  I've already got a blog up for it (click here). I think we plan on registering the name very shortly. I need to call the tax commission.. tomorrow or Friday.
In other news, My birthday is Friday. I'll be 26 and all my plans fell thru. I'm not why I'm surprised. Happens pretty much every year, but I digress.
I am working a project that I had set aside back in December. My goal is to finish it and then move on to some new projects and expanding my line. My immediate needs are the different yarns for those products, a mouse, a USB extender, a printer (inkjet that can handle different kinds of paper), and a slew of adhesives. I have to list these this for my sake. Helps those mental notes. I'm also learning more about my sense of humor and teaching. But that's for a different blog. Ok, got to finish somethings on Etsy and then go to bed.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

A day off

 YEAH! I have today off. It hasn't been very restful. I made minimal progress on one of my big projects.
The photo shoot went great. I had to cut it short by a lot, but we got some great stuff. I'll be listing on my Etsy shop ( over the week since I should have my copy of the photos on Monday.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Today and Tomorrow

This past week has gone by fairly quick. I am feeling good about my new Chair Dancing class at the studio ( It was a little rough, but I had short notice.. 4 days, to be exact. I did well, and I got some positive feed back. I just hope my happy little bubble there doesn't get burst. I really would be heart broken. I am thrilled to say that Becca the pole master has some great events coming up. Those are listed on the studios blog ( Continuing to look forward. I'm thinking of changing how I do some of my blog posts. It would not be an all the time thing... like I said I'm thinking about it.
This weekend I am doing a professional photo shoot of my handmade goods. I'm really excited about it, but the weather may not cooperate.  So I'm playing it by ear at the moment.
I've lost my phone. It's not the phone itself that bothers me, it's the inability to remember.
I have a HUGE itch to go to Vegas. I can't even stand it really.
As for school... apparently I have a talent for this graphic design stuff. Personally, I feel like I am just now getting the hang of it. I know that my creative/crafty/artsy background helps. I make it a point to do something creative everyday. Whether it's writing, dance or playing with yarn and fabric. I feel that it feeds it's self that way.
There was more I was going to tackle, but I've seem to forgotten it. Next time I'll make a note.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Starts today!

The Monthly Give-Aways Start This Month!
For the month of February the give-away will always be special since it's my birthday month! The 2nd, 12th and 26th commenter will win a beanie or scarf of their choice. 

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