
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A dream of mine

I dream of having a home for art and craft. I don't believe that those things are separate. A knitter and a painter have many things in common. Both see raw materials as a finished piece. Both use hands and tools to make that result. There is color and technique to consider. Shape, size, design. Both have such an intimate knowledge of they're chosen medium (or did it choose them?) that they can give it life.
I dream of a store, a school, a gallery that celebrates these things. I would love a place that these creative people can come and work. A place where they can demonstrate they're love and educate others about who they are, why they make, how they create, and all the other questions that can come up. A brick and mortar forum for discussion. How empowering  would that be? A fine artist discussing color with a potter, a knitter meeting a metal sculptor, a jeweler taking inspiration from a furniture maker. I love all art and all craft for what it is. Skill and talent is just the tip creativity.  Oh, what a dream! Someday it will come true.

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