
Monday, December 28, 2009


So far today has not been my day. I have misplaced some fabric and WIPs and have a dead car battery. The car battery is the bulk of my concern.. hoping I just need a jump. It's my fault, and it pushes my errands back.
 (blows hair out her face in frustration)... grounded again.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Now on to the next thing...

I got a thumb drive for the holidays! I've already used it.. what did you think I'd wait? No, it is meant to be used. I also got a jacket, a puffy vest, and an electric blanket for my car. I am most excited about the thumb drive. Here are some photos that have now been set free from my camera:

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Recipe #1- Turkey and Potatoes

This is my first publishing a recipe. I come up with them all the time, but I don't do anything with them. I'm changing that. Call it an early step to my new year's resolution, which is to more proactive about my interests. So here goes.

This is my version of turkey and potatoes. This can be done either with help from the store or from scratch. Your preference.

You will need:
Turkey breast- enough to feed everyone whose going to eat it
Dry rub- store bought or home made
Mashed Potatoes- store bought or from scratch (click here for my suggested recipe)
Eggs- at least one per person

Cut the turkey breast into approximately 1 inch cubes. Put into a bowl and sprinkle the dry rub mix over top. Mix it up, add more mix if you need it. You can let this sit for as long as overnight before cooking. Now add to a pan with 1 tablespoon butter or oil. Cook thoroughly. Then remove from heat and set aside.
In separate pot, make the mashed potatoes (if making from scratch you should start the potatoes first).
In yet another pan, or the same one as the turkey if you chose to remove the turkey all together) cook the eggs to each persons preference. I like mine sunny side up or over easy.

To assemble: place potatoes at the bottom, then top with turkey. Place eggs on top or to the side.

There you have it. I'll post a photo as soon as possible.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Main Street

I am Main Street America. I am one of the many working to make passions everyday reality. Turning dreams into the American Dream. That's me. I am Today, Tomorrow, and Yesterday. I represent America in the best way possible. I struggle and succeed or fail, but I don't go down without a fight. I am a mother doing the best for her child. I am a wife trying to balance life in and out of the home. I laugh, I love, I live. I cry, I scream, I fall. I get back up, I suck it up, I move on. 

This is my declaration of America. I am Main Street America.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Thinking Ahead

I'm thinking ahead more and more. About the things I really want to do and how the get there. About the other things that I long for (read: baby # 2, maybe #3) and how it's all supposed to go together.  I'm starting the settling process of my role at the Studio and Boutique. Not to saw it's a huge part. I imagine I'm rather insignificant in the grand scheme of things. But it's letting me in on my possible future as a small business owner.
I spent part of my day researching possible sources for 'my store'. Thanks to the Travel Channel. I'm a big fan of the Travel Channel. I live vicariously through since I'm not able to travel much myself. I also really love Discovery Channel. But anyway, it (mean thinking about 'my store') makes me excited nervous and scared. But I'm not going to think too much about it. Really. I mean it. I am going to turn my brain off to the what ifs and just surrender, accept the right now and move one. I am working on the positive thinking thing. I have made my little bit of progress and I'll keep making it. I don't have all the answers yet, but I will.

In crafty news, I finished a couple loop scarves. I plan to make a few more and then do some long skinny styles. I need to look at a few patterns for inspiration for the long skinny style. I have an idea for them, but I'm stewing on it.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Voila Boutique

This is the new home of my craft products! I'm thrilled to be in a physical store. A place where people can walk in, try the stuff on, see different ways of wearing it, to touch. And the convenience of it is unbeatable! It's in the foyer of Studio Blue, where I teach Intermediate Aerial once a weak. I'm so happy with how things are starting to go! It's a step closer to where I want to be. Each step helps.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

To my man.

Thank You. You are the one who makes all the difference. With you in my life I can do anything. You are the one who stood with me through all my insanity and wild moments. You are the one who still stands with me. Look how far we've come! It makes me so grateful for you and it makes me want to spit on all the naysayers. Where are they? Where are we? You have given me all the things that matter most: truth, beauty, freedom, love, hope, loyalty, courage, dreams, belief, grace. You have given me the white picket fence without the literal white picket fence.  I love you because you are man enough to let me be myself. I don't just need to be with you, I want to. I think that means more.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Earlier than expected

I had this idea for my blog next year.  But let me start with the beginning. I ordered the Stitch-a-Day Calendar from Vogue Knitting and love everything about it. After watching an ad on the TV for the movie Julia +Julie (which I still haven't seen), I go to thinking about doing something similar. For those who don't know the movie is about a woman who cooks her way through Julia Childs cook book and blogs about it. I love cooking, but not that much. Then I thought about my new calendar. I could do that. I doubt that I'll stitch up every pattern, but I planned to make a scarf or cowl with as many of the patterns as I could do (minus cables.. I'm not into cables, or bobbles). I had originally sought to start on January 1st and photograph my progress and the page of the calendar.  Well my plan may be moved up... or I may have to do a variation thereof. Why? Because I just got an offer that would mean getting paid to make what I already make by a local boutique. Exciting!  I'm supposed to meet with the owner either today or tomorrow, I think..... I'm waiting for her phone call or text... I don't like waiting for phone calls.
I' going to take some time to think about how I want to approach my 'project' for 2010.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Baby, it's cold outside...

Good Godzilla! There is some serious snow falling right now. I'm sick of it already. I like snow for the winter solstice but aside from that I could do without it. It makes me dread driving.
I started my first online class this week for the next 6 weeks. I'm not sure that I'm into it, especially since it's for one of my design courses. In my own opinion, that needs to be more hands on. Oh, well.

December 12th. I'm performing at Studio Blue, 2440 Washington Blvd Ogden. I hope everything is received well. We're not going to the traditional route (not that we would anyway) but I don't know. I'm excited and nervous, and a bunch of other feelings that may or may not be due to the show. I'm doing a pole routine, not aerial, this time. I'm out of practice with it... so I'm going to do a lot more floor work, much more sensually based not so much tricks. Hmmm... is there anything else new? Oh, I start teaching Intermediate Aerial next week. I'm really excited about that.

In my crafty news, I have a bunch of photos that I can't wait to show you. Still missing a USB cord or data port.  Let's hope Saturday goes well enough for me to get one or the other. I have another insane Saturday. Practice at 10am, Silks on the Street at 1pm (weather pending), Bar tending at 3pm, Show at 9:30pm-10pm. Yep. It's nuts. Add to that all the homework I have that's all due by 11:59pm of that same day. Why do I do this to myself?

Can this be me? Please... only brunette and nearly naked?


Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I downloaded tweetdeck. I like that it centralized my social network accounts.

In other crafty news, I got more photos done. I have really work on anything, but I planning to since I have free time till Monday. I have really busy Saturday. Aerial Show, Taboo Practice, and Bartending a Banquet  all back to back. Sorry this is so short, but I'm trying to get a lot done before practice tonight.

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