
Monday, October 12, 2009

New Class

I started my second module of school. I still find it hard to believe that I'm a student again and that I've commited myself to this for at least 20 months. I'll be glad when I start feeling integrated. I've always been on the outside... on the outskirts of fitting in. One of the reasons I've worked in bars on and off since I was 21. For the most part I fit right in.
On a brighter note I'm taking more time to work on my craft(s), always something new. Don't know if this mod will leave me with the same kind of time. Day one and already I have like 3 assignments all due at different times. I won't give up though. I need to make time for yarn or fabric or paper everyday. I can't not make things. I have more photos to post, both here and to add items to my store, but I don't think I have time today. I think it'll be easier once I get my laptop (fingers crossed) in a couple weeks.
I want to start writing agsin (poetry that is) maybe even making art books with them. I say a short clip on book art and book artists. I want to learn more... but where? I'll figure it out.

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