
Monday, June 1, 2009

Be Brave

Be brave enough to follow your bliss. I'm learning to do this even if it's in secret. Which it very much is at this point. Only 2 people knows really what I'm planning to do. And neither is my husband. I haven't told him because I'm afraid if I tell him I'll chicken out. I'm not going to tell you either. Fear of rejection or going completely unnoticed are very prominent, but the only real ramification is that nothing will change. And that really isn't bad. I could go on just as I am, but if I have the chance to chase down the dawn and realize something... why stand still? I know not everyone is meant for things like fame or money or even a happy ending, but I have to the feeling that I'm meant to do or be a part of something so much bigger than myself. I can't shake it, believe me I've tried. I love my life, but something.... just something.


  1. Hope everything works out

  2. I know what it i-iiis. Na na na na na na.

    I hope you can sense my childish tone in my last sentence :)


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