
Sunday, April 19, 2009

So i'm hooked.

Twitter. Dammit it's addicting and it's not even like I have followers, but it's instant and quick. Like texting. I've been pretty busy. I've been at home all week, but I have not been idle.
I have made like 8 beanies, started 2 scarves as samples for the patterns I plan to post on Etsy. I already have one pattern up for sale. I have great progress on 1 crocheted shawl and started on a knitted one. I have a new formula to try (not the short row one technique, it's a center outward triangle). I'm a little excited.. can you tell. I feel productive. Maybe once a quarter I should take a week off at just focus on my yarn, my art, my sewing.. my truest loves. Of course that includes dancing, but I had to skip that this week due to some very personal matter.

It feels like spring. Yes it does... FINALLY! I am done with winter. Have I said that before?

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